Founded by dedicated academics at UNSW, we are committed to helping students excel and fostering a love of learning. We offer personalised tutoring and academic support for students of all ages and backgrounds, from high school mathematics and English to university courses including discrete maths and programming fundamentals.
Our team of experienced teachers are not only experts in their fields but also enthusiastic about making learning engaging and enjoyable. We take pride in guiding students to uncover the beauty of mathematics, the power of the English language, & more.
Your success is our goal!
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If this is your first time visiting us, please register an account as a student.
The ‘Booking page’ will match you with one of our tutors for your subject and desired time slot.
You will receive an email confirmation once the lesson is successfully booked.
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Whether you have questions about our lessons, need assistance with enrollment, or just want to learn more about what we offer, we're always happy to chat!